Do systemic delays within Regulatory Colleges affect their ability to protect the public?
Serial killer Elizabeth Wettlaufer faces College of Nurses disciplinary hearing July 25
Reporting and Criticism: Elizabeth Wettlaufer is accused of professional misconduct for murdering eight patients. The college has come under fire for allowing the ex-nurse to keep working despite a “medication error” in 2014. (Macintosh: The Star)
The Colleges of Nurses of Ontario, charged with protecting the public from Ontario's nurses, has systemic delays dealing with complaints and mandatory reports. In this case, that delay likely led to the death of many patients. It appears that these issues would not have come to light without Ms. Wettlaufer's own admissions.
Are these delays acceptable? How many people may file valid complaints of a serious nature, without proper vetting or triage? How can this serious problem be addressed considering the number of nurses and limited resources within the College.
Unfortunately, these problems are not unique to the College of Nurses. It may be time for the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care to review the self-regulating health professional model in Ontario for possible better alternatives.
See: Full Star Article